STEAL THIS BLOG NOW: A tribute to Abbie Hoffman
Post anything you want. Edit the design. Go! (Log in: Password: thelotofus)
12 November 2019
18 October 2019
Spring 2019
Lots been happening but not much of great interest. I did, however, have a play accepted for the Short and Sweet Festival in Sydney this year. That was pretty great. It was earlier, in February, and I went up with my family to watch it be performed. It was taken as a Wild Card and went up against 6 or 7 other plays to see which one would go on. Mine didn't, but it was fun being up there all the same and actually watching something you'd written on paper come to life.
I've culled a lot of my books from Lulu; just kept the ones there that seem to keep being read on Smashwords. So, instead of 18 books, I'm now down to 3. Much more manageable.
Still writing, but trying to get things published through regular publishers now; magazines and the like. I did get an almost acceptance of a book that I sent out earlier this year but it was, apparently, a bit short, so I wrote some more of it, sent it off and am waiting to hear back about it.
That's about it really. No art to speak of.
How's everyone else's art going? Good I hope.
Well, happy summer everyone and Merry Xmas very soon!!
4 September 2018
Oh yeah
It's Spring, as I said. It's been a cold, dry Winter; one of the coldest I can ever remember. Surely, that means that Summer will be hot and firey. Though, they say every year that this year's fire season will be the worst but it never quite eventuates so, we'll wait and see.
Here is the link to Lulu, if anyone is interested in checking out my work or - cross fingers - even purchasing some.
At the very least, you'll find out my real name.
Thanks for reading and see you again some time. Keep the fires burning!!
18 February 2017
I don't know
Coxo Spaziale prosegue il suo originalissimo percorso estivo con una puntata dedicata alla manipolazione affettiva, durante la quale il non-conduttore DJ Paglione conclude in diretta un esperimento psicologico sul suo amico Valid, ignaro di esserne la cavia gigante.
Manipolazione affettiva
Prendete una persona e comportatevi con essa come a costei piacerebbe che voi foste, siate costantemente presenti con lei, colmandone i vuoti quotidiani, e preoccupatevi di essere sempre affabili con i suoi amici e parenti, quindi isolatela progressivamente dalla sua rete relazionale, e quando intorno a sé non avrà altri che voi, invitatela in radio e fatele ascoltare due ore di NoFX: un nuovo fan sarà nato!
Per saperne di più sulla manipolazione affettiva:
Del sadismo morale, ovvero il vampiro narcisista.
A chi non è capitato?
Domenica 3 agosto
Idoli indiscussi della scena punk i NoFX saranno protagonisti di un nuovo evento estivo a Milano. Insieme ad Agnostic Front e The Old Firm Casuals, il meglio del punk-rock e dell'hard-core internazionale suonerà insieme per un appuntamento unico sul palco del Carroponte di Sesto San Giovanni, alle porte del capoluogo lombardo.
Trent’anni di lunga e onorata carriera fanno dei NoFX i paladini indiscussi dello skate-punk-rock californiano, da sempre amato e seguitissimo in tutto il mondo. Con oltre 6 milioni di copie vendute in tutto il mondo, la storia dei NoFX muove i primi passi negli anni ’80 sulla scia di band come Ramones e Misfits. Ma è con la decade successiva che la band raggiunge la vetta all’interno del panorama musicale mondiale in un continuo crescendo di popolarità e successo. Partiti dal punk-hard-core più violento, per approdare ad una originale formula di hard-core melodico, i NoFX hanno pubblicato 12 album in studio, sempre con etichette indipendenti, e un infinito numero di singoli, extendend paly, live, compilation, raccolte e documentari.
I nostri, ancora oggi sono in giro per tutti i palchi del mondo (sono stati anche in Cina!), sudando e faticando come se fosse la prima volta. I NoFX sono famosi per i loro live show incredibilmente vivaci che si sviluppano tra siparietti, scherzi e messaggi a dimostrazione dell’importante impegno politico e sociale che da sempre li caratterizza.
Losers (feat. Riz MC & Envy) – Flush
NoFX – Kill All the White Man
NoFX – The Death of John Smith
NoFX – The Longest Line
NoFX – Scavenger Type
NoFX – Philthy Phil Philanthropist
NoFX – Freedom Like a Shopping Cart
NoFX – Bleeding Heart Disease
NoFX – Lori Meyers
NoFX – Jeff Wears Birkenstocks
NoFX – Punk Guy
NoFX – Happy Guy
NoFX – Reeko (de novo...)
NoFX – Whoops, I OD'd
NoFX – The Separation of Church and Skate
NoFX – Falling in Love
NoFX – It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite
NoFX – My Vagina
NoFX – Herojuana
NoFX – Cokie the Clown
NoFX – Straight Outta Massachusetts
NoFX – Fermented and Flailing
NoFX – Codependence Day
NoFX – My Orphan Year (Acoustic)
NoFX – Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
NoFX – We March to the Beat of Indifferent Drum
NoFX – The Marxist Brothers
NoFX – The Man I Killed
NoFX – Benny Got Blowed Up
NoFX – Leaving Jesusland
NoFX – Getting High on the Down Low
NoFX – Cool and Unusual Punishment
NoFX – Dinosaurs Will Die
NoFX – Thank God It's Monday
NoFX – Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don't)
NoFX – The Decline (X2)
NoFX – The Bag
NoFX – Please Play This Song on the Radio
NoFX – Warm
NoFX – Eat the Meek
19 January 2016
2016 - whoa!!
till then
I remain
31 May 2015
I Stole This Blog, but DeVillo Sloan Stole My Life!!
My Blog was Rated #1 by the HuffNPuffington Post!
30 May 2015
So, are blogs not functional anymore?
1 April 2014
13 May 2013
it still works
25 April 2013
A Kickstarter Project for a show in London, UK
28 March 2013
News of the week
here's the link if anyone is at all interested:
and that's about it.
12 December 2012
So, another year almost over and another few posts on this blog by me and various others. It's still looking really good, even though I occassionaly get a message that someone tries to change the password but, what the hell, if you want to, you certainly can. What do I care? It's here for anyone to do what they want with it and if that means shutting it down, then go right ahead.
Personally, I hope no one does because it's just starting to really move forward.
How do I know?
Wait till next year.
15 October 2012
24 May 2012
New password
17 April 2012
23 February 2012
Two exhibitions on friday and saturday // Keep being in my emailing list
Hi, I just wanted to let you know about my next exhibitions. If you wish to continue receiving updates on my shows please read the end of this email, thank you!
e del sonno (a)
adriano persiani, enrica berselli, simone rondelet, christian rainer, caterina morelli, ascanio tacconi, claudia collina, stefano w. pasquini, anna lisa bondioli, andrea belfi, gilda scaglioni & francesco petroni, andrea sessa, roberto papavero crusca, emanuela ascari, silvia forese, colette baraldi, chiara soldati, giulia ferrarese, francesco martinelli, elettra mallaby
vernissage Friday 24th February 2012 7 PM
curated by patrizia silingardi and sonia schiavone
thur/sat 3-6 PM and by appointment, until 21st April 2012
thanks to viabizzuno for the lights
melepere | via sottoriva 12 | verona | italy | +39 045 8015353 | +39 335 8359128 | p.iva 03471660237 |
Project curated by Silvia Cini
with the collaboration of Francesca Serrati
Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce
OPENING Saturday 25th February 2012, 6.00 PM
Cartabianca refers to a contemporary and multi-participant art-project which sets out to interact with the museum's collateral spaces and the services that it offers. The intention is to spark off relational dynamics, which in turn would involve the very city hosting the museum. Interlacing connections with the major Italian cities will be developed through diverse exhibitions, the latter aimed at describing the emergent and the vital within the contemporary art framework.
The cartabianca_bologna first phase is carried out by the curators Roberto Daolio, Massimo Marchetti and Anna Santomauro. It will involve eleven artists and groups: Alessandra Andrini, Emanuel Ascari, Claire Bosi, Giulia Cenci, Curandi Katz, Anna Ferraro, Antonello Ghezzi, Luciano Maggiore, Stefano W. Pasquini, Chiara Pergola, Emanuele Serafini.
The artistic contributions above will range from specific projects through to minimal and small displacements, avoiding predetermined paths and models. They will be established as "collateral spaces riqualification operations", areas not specifically assigned to the exhibition activity, but which become fundamental elements to the Museum's life, encouraging involvement and establishing new paths for sharing. -
fb Carta Bianca
Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce
Via J. Ruffini, 3 - 16128 Genova
Tel. +39 010 580069 / 585772 Fax +39 010 532482
The event on Facebook
WARNING! If you wish to continue receiving updates on Stefano W. Pasquini's shows please leave your e-amil address on this page.
You received this email because you are on mailing list. This means you're either a friend of Stefano, you have emailed him or the studio in the past, or your email has been made available in an art context online. The Italian laws works against unwanted emailing (Spam), which means you can ask to be removed from this list simply by replying to this email with the word "REMOVE" on the header. Then you will not receive any more message form the studio unless the studio receives unwanted emails from you. [eye for an eye!
19 February 2012
Be yourself. Fall inlove. Forget the past. Hold no regrets. Follow your dreams. Smile. Tell yourself you can do it. Because you can. Listen to your heart more often than your brain. Don't hate - it burns the soul. Care about yourself. Take risks. Do things for others. Cultivate your mind. Fight for justice. Be free.
6 February 2012
15 December 2011
15 November 2011
The Secret Lives of Mail Artists
Check out his drawings paintings and sculptures AND some postal art at
14 November 2011
8 November 2011
The Walking Dead!
7 November 2011
1) when kids use to play outside?
2) when cell phones didn't exist and yet kids survived walking to the store alone?
3) when parents allowed their kids to walk to school unsupervised?
4) when a kids' broken bone was an "accident" and not a reason to raze all playgrounds due to liability and lawsuits?
I do.
-Concerned for the next generation
3 November 2011
28 October 2011
27 October 2011
26 October 2011
Who am I? Who are you!!!
25 October 2011
Science can be introduced to children well or poorly
24 October 2011
so now i am here taking over this blog , nor really sure what i wanted with this , in fact i wanted to write about negative product placement and started to read about mail art , a rather big thing in the 60 and 70 , but it died a slow dead because of the internet . Have been wondering how it would be possible to get people to use normal post again , like in sending letters or gifts.
23 October 2011
Dr. Martens
Canvas and leather
Oxblood never looked this good on white
- Petriv
22 October 2011
Mr. Abbie Hoffman
83rd Dead Zone
But its interesting!
Think about Duchamp with that urinal way back in 1903. He came from France to shock and mystify the NYC art world with a urinal! A urinal! Right there and then he made a move that convinced people of the objects indifference to art. Now, art can be anything declared to be art, at least if it is declared by an artist. It was as though he made art reality and reality art.
Scripa Sinclair aka MotherHuckster
21 October 2011
The persistent gaze (view from the emperor)
I behold the vortex
I stand on the edge
I realease my anger.
just because you made it doesn't mean people will pay attention. creative efforts require EFFORT, yo.
- Paid advertising (might work, might not)
- Posting something daily or at least consistently: this is a matter of math. Search Engine Optimization. More content = more searchbots locating your content = showing up in random searches.
- Tweeting the blog address.
- Something about facebook.
- DO NOT POST blog posts about blogging or engage in public whining. Passive aggression is not an attractive trait and are much more annoying than you realize.
- Putting the blog address on postcards, bookmarks, business cards, community bulletin boards with tear-away blog address strips, craigslist, etc.
- Develop a marketing plan (see above)
- Do not believe that internet success relies on random luck. It's math and hard work. Just because you have built it and you think it's an awesome idea does not mean everyone else will also think the same.
- Write a press release about it. Do this often (see "Develop a marketing plan"). Your local public library should have books about marketing, SEO stuff, how to write a press release, etc. Or you can just steal the books you need from your local bankrupt bookstore.